빠른 상담 신청

Smart Parking Total Solution

Amano Korea, a parking partner for a better future

License Plate Recognition (single, dual)

AK-3000 series


  • Vehicle number recognition by analyzing images taken by the number recognition camera
  • Self-identifying vehicle number without a separate computer
  • It receives a signal from the vehicle sensor and transmits a signal that can operate the strobe lighting device for constant illumination
  • Support for maintaining compatibility with license plates that have been changed during the warranty period for defects when changing license plates in the future
  • On the electronic display board, the vehicle number, information text, and parking fees are displayed.
  • Electronic boards use LEDs for outdoor identification during daytime and during climate change
셔터속도 : 1/60 ~ 1/10,000

조명장치 : IR LED 조명

해상도 : 1440 x 1080

촬상소자 : CMOS 센서

촬영가능 차량속도 : 30Km/h 이내

통신방식 : Giga Etherrnet

전광판 모듈 : 48mmX48mm LED Module [2단6열]

통신방식 : LAN(TCP/IP)

인식율 : 99.9% 이상 

인식대상 : 승용차 및 화물차

인식내용 : 번호판의 한글 및 숫자

번호판 인식속도 1초이내

촬영방식 : Trigger 방식

통신방식 : LAN(TCP/IP)

번호인식모듈 : 차량번호 인식 모듈 탑재형